Saturday, December 31, 2016

Let's get this party started

First step is, of course, our center block.

This is the focal point of our quilts. 

And that's all I'm giving you. Make it the size you want, the technique you want, the colors you want.

Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Step two will be posted in six weeks.

A little background

We are a group of ladies from across the United States and England who joined a Yahoo Group started by the wonderful Quilt Mama roughly around 2001. We are all Christian ladies who quilt and/or homeschool and the group was started to support and help each other with our quilting and homeschooling goals.

Over the years, ladies have come and gone but there are a group of us who are steadfast in growing our relationships and supporting each other.

We have watched our children grow up, get married, have babies, We have supported each other through births, deaths, break up of marriage, health issues, job issues, loss of one of our own dear members, But our willingness and desire to serve God, our love for Him and our love for each other has kept us moving forward.

We have done many swaps - fabric swaps, block swaps, pincushion swaps, holiday swaps, etc.

And, admittedly my favorite, Round Robins.

As a commemorative we are going to be doing a Roosting Robin in 2016.

So starting in January each of us will make the center block that will become the starting point for our Roosting Robin. Roughly every 6-8 weeks I will post guidelines for the next round,

So ladies I invite you to post pictures of your fabrics when you have them picked out. And the starting in January, you can post your progress as you choose. If you would like to wait and show us your creation when it is finished, we will wait anxiously.